Explore GRCC » Human and Social Services

Human and Social Services

Education and certification in human and social services can prepare you for many occupations in the field. At Grant Regional Career Center, you’ll explore the history of human services and cultural awareness, with a focus on community agencies designed to meet the needs of various populations. You will also examine human relationships and emotions, including practical, science-based skills.
This program also includes required job shadowing.
Typical careers: Social Worker | Counselor | Human Resource Manager 
Typical salary range: $35,000 - $130,000+
In some classes, students can earn high school credit and college credit at the same time! (This can save you big on your college bills!)
>> For more information on all classes currently offered in the Human Services career pathway, click here.
At GRCC, classes and/or certification are available in the following career pathways included in the Human and Social Services career cluster: